Brutus I - Brutus in the Chronicle of England
Presenting the first in a six part series looking at the
evidence for Brutus, the patriarch of Britain and starting with the
history of Brutus the Trojan Prince as recorded in the Chronicles of
The Chronicles have been shown to be mostly accurate,
with a large number of the kings listed within them being found on
pre-Roman coinage.
There is more detail about Brutus in the Chronicle than
any other monarch and the scrolls themselves were named after him,
becoming later known as ‘The Brut.’
All the kings of the island from the time he settled it
were descended from him and the settlers that he brought with him
were his countrymen from Troy.
The Chronicles themselves were originally written in
proto-Greek, then Latin and finally translated into Olde English
which is the form they can be found in now.
This version has had the English updated to modern
language by LA Waddell.
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