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United Kingdom

Caesar's Slander of the British

The British were a highly cultured and technologically advanced people long before the Romans came, who were able to stand against the might of the empire and send Julius Caesar packing. He repaid the Brits for this act of bravery by slandering them in a notorious piece of black propaganda that labelled them as ‘painted savages’.

In response to this in 1934 the Reverend Alban Heath gave this lecture, using the full speeches from King Caradoc, Queen Boudica and others to show that this libel was clearly false. The lies still get taught to school children today, that the British roads were built by Romans and the Welsh people never knew how to put one stone on top of another, despite all the vast megalithic evidence to the contrary.

The Britons had a codified system of law going back 400 years before Christ, that was translated into Latin by Gildas and into English by King Alfred. This proves that the British were an educated lot and we have further evidence in the Triads and from Caesar himself, who could not pretend that the universities did not exist, as they were too well known on the continent.

Tacitus writing between 55AD and 120AD gives us in depth descriptions of the battles that went on in Britain at the time and these can be pieced together, along with the records of other writers to show a highly civilised people that were well equipped to become a center for the new religion of Christianity.

Not something you would expect from a nation made up of ‘painted savages’ as Caesar called them.

Part 1


Part 2
