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United Kingdom

The Traditions of Glastonbury I

This is the first of a new Audiobook, The Traditions of Glastonbury by E Raymond Capt. The book deals with the entire history of what was once described as the holiest ground in all Christendom, but begins at the time of Joseph of Arimathea, who legends have it moved to Britain to spread the gospel after the crucifixion.

Remains have been found which show that at the time, Glastonbury was one of the most technologically advanced parts of Britain. The metalworking was of a type far surpassing elsewhere and the inhabitants had also had glassware and enameling abilities.

Joseph is described in the Vulgate as a Decurio, which was an important Roman office usually associated with a mining district. There were not that many of those around and Britain’s history of mining goes back way before the Romans arrived to make use of it. This title of his and the legends and folklore of him being in Britain tend to confirm the accuracy of the histories that mention him living on the island and particularly at Glastonbury.
